Yoni Pronunciation
Yoni is pronounce "yo-nee".
What is a Yoni?
Yoni meaning "vagina", "abode", "source", and sometimes, but not always, "womb". In most cases, yoni refers to the vaginal canal only. Yoni is derived from the Sanskrit or so called divine language called devanagari. The yoni represents and the feminine regenerative powers the goddess Shakti, the consort of Shiva who, on the other hand, is represented by the symbol of the lingam in Hinduism.
As the myth would have it, Shakti's yoni is dismembered and scattered throughout India, remaining in 'Assam' as the home of 'Tantra' or esoteric practices(1). In this respect, the word yoni has been used in phrases like 'Yoniverse' instead of universe to give further meaning to the word yoni.
You probably weren't expecting that if you found yourself wondering 'what is the yoni'? Unless you're part of a small and very selective group of conscious circles that are sexually open to such a taboo term, you probably never heard what is the meaning of yoni.
'Yoni' isn't just another name for the female genitals like the slang 'pussy', 'cat' or 'coochie'. The word 'yoni' invokes a sacred, ritualistic, and highly therapeutic approach to acknowledging this part of a woman's body.
What is the Meaning of Yoni?
In all reality, while some claim the yoni meaning is Sanskrit, some Indians may expose the Eurocentric, and feminist connotations using the word yoni implies. For example, some will show how problematic using the word yoni is in Indian contexts,(1) since although it is indeed a Sanskrit word not all Indians communicate in Sanskrit. More importantly, Sanskrit is a North Indian language of the Hindi people who have been heavily influenced by white supremacy during ancient times, that still permeates in their religion til Today.
Thus, using the term 'yoni', unbeknownst to the user, implies that the whiter Indians are the true Indians and the darker, blacker, Dravidian Indians--along with their languages (i.e., Urdu, etc.), culture, history and existence-- are less important. Unfortunately, the term yoni further reinforces disunity among not only Northern and Southern Indian, but also other Hindi/Hindu people and their more melanted counterparts such as the case in all parts of Asia. So it would do us in the Western hemisphere and our melanated cousins a favor if we glorified terms to define ourselves from cultures that resonated with us more.
For the purpose of this blog, due to the popularity of the word 'yoni\, we'll continue to use the term yoni in hopes of bringing the above facts to light when people search for this word, to tone down the ultra feminists approach to the woman's vagina--since men can participate in this experience too--and to continue to enlighten us all on the positive benefits of acknowledging what has been the scorn and taboo of many religious and politically correct peoples of the Earth.
Yoni Facts
Ironically, Black women, in particular, have taken a special liking to the term yoni because it is our yoni that has brought forth all the nation of the world, yet at the same time the black woman's yoni has been the most neglected as a symbol of life itself due to slavery, religion and the accompanied hypo-sexualization and hyper-sexualization of the black woman. So its no wonder that black women are the foremost group who define yoni, give yoni lectures, and are practically yoni connoisseurs at this time.
There is a growing underground yoni movement that only a small number of people are hip to which includes yoni massage, the use of a yoni egg and yoni egg exercises, yoni worship, yoni cleanses and yoni yoga. Yoni art also has taken off and some people go as far as to have a yoni name for their special organs.
Still have questions about the yoni meaning? Check out these extra pages to give you a better understanding of the yoni definition some more yoni information:
- Yoni types
- Yoni image
- What does yoni mean in Astrology?
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Look out for my Yoni Massage Pdf coming soon! Bookmark this page and visit often to see how you can be the first to get your copy of my Yoni Massage Pdf.
Whats your definition of Yoni? What do you think about the influence on Hindi, Eurocentrism, and our use of the word Yoni. What other word would you uses instead of Yoni? Will you keep using the word yoni after learning its about its origin?
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